A must see documentary on the urban dog, three industry experts, six time zones and an industry engaged in the Pet Experience conversation. It all added up to lots of sharing, fun and information. Industry experts learned about real time communications and how to find obscure evidence/references quickly.

The response to the experience from those who participated and viewed the program, has been overwhelmingly positive. But for the industry this is not the end, nor is it the beginning of the end. It is rather, the end of the beginning.
The Urban Animal Industry now moves to the 2013 Regional Conferences where the Pet Experience Workshops intend to gather input from key government leaders, urban planners, licensing agencies, veterinarians, retailers, breeders, pet owners and humane/rescue representatives in four events across Canada.
DOG DAZED is scheduled for two more screenings:
CBC News Network, Saturday 11 PM ET
CBC-TV, Sunday at 6 PM ET
Please check your local CBC listings for the time in your area.
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