31 March 2015

Nova Scotia SPCA Opens Veterinary Hospital in Cape Breton

In 2014, the Nova Scotia SPCA received a one-time grant of $181,000 from Pet Smart Charities to go towards the construction and equipment costs to open a Spay/Neuter hospital at the Cape Breton Branch of the Society.   

Earlier this month, the hospital opened and performed its first surgery. The opening of this hospital can only be described as a “game changer” for stray and abandoned animals and feral cats on the island of Cape Breton with the hope of tackling a large pet overpopulation crisis that has existed for decades. 

For the first time in the history of the Cape Breton Branch, all animals in their care will be spayed and neutered prior to adoption. This hospital will allow the shelter to reduce costs associated with veterinary care and will provide a full complement of services so that all medical procedures required by SPCA Shelter animals will be completed prior to adoption so there is no cost passed on to the new owner.

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