29 September 2011

The Summit for Urban Animal Strategies - October 19 - 22, 2011


Conversations for Animal Health and Wellness, Friday, October 21

The talented and trusted Karen Dawson will facilitate our conversations.

Our mission is to embrace an Evidence Based approach to Animal Health and Wellness in our communities. The evidence and facts presented on Thursday can guide our conversations.

The outcomes we produce may be:

  • Recommendations for the National Organizations that govern our industry;
  • Toolkits for the agencies that support pet families in our municipalities; and/or,
  • A consensus for the priorities we will support together as an industry.


Karen Dawson is an executive coach. She challenges and supports clients to lead creatively – and have fun doing so. Karen invites conversations that help people get unstuck and moving forward on things that matter.

Karen’s background is varied; some might say odd. Grounded in theatre training as a performer and director, with seven years experience as a flying instructor with the Canadian Military cadet program, Karen has been a cocktail waitress, jail matron, physics teacher, university faculty and executive coach. Her graduate studies focus on leadership and its development – she is currently in the middle of a PhD program researching organizational effectiveness and change making as a relational phenomenon.

Karen enjoys running half-marathons (very slowly), reading fiction, playing with improvisation and its applications to organizational life, and parenting two feisty, delightful young adults.



Vision:To gather executive level thought leaders who can advance the state of the art in urban animal strategies

Mission: To promote strategies that build healthy communities for pets and people and to recognize those who achieve success

This sixth annual gathering of Industry leaders takes place from October 19 - 22 at the Fairmont Chateau, Montebello, Quebec.

As we are learning, Animal Health and Wellness is directly related to human health in our communities. For this reason the 2011 agenda may facilitate the most strategic conversation to be brought forward to a Summit.

The industry is changing, have your say.

View full agenda and learn more about the summit

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