Pet spending in the U.S. has been proven to be recession-proof, according to a new online survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of
CouponCabin from April 19th - 23rd, 2012.
Among 1,299 pet owners surveyed, three-in-four (75 per cent) said the state of the economy doesn't affect how much money they spend on their pets. Twelve per cent said they spend $101 or more per month on their pets, while more than one in five (21 per cent) said they spend $51-$100 per month on their pets.
Among 1,299 pet owners surveyed, three-in-four (75 per cent) said the state of the economy doesn't affect how much money they spend on their pets. Twelve per cent said they spend $101 or more per month on their pets, while more than one in five (21 per cent) said they spend $51-$100 per month on their pets.
More than one-quarter (26 per cent) of pet owners would put their pets' health care needs before their own. In addition, nearly one-in-five (17 per cent) said they don't currently have pet insurance, but would consider purchasing it. Seven per cent of pet owners said they currently own pet insurance.
According to the survey, expensive and unnecessary grooming treatments topped the
list of excessive pet spending. Purchases considered too expensive to spend on a pet:
- Getting your pet a professional massage: 77 per cent
- Paying for beauty and groom treatments beyond typical grooming (nail polish, hair styling, body wraps, etc): 73 per cent
- Extravagant pet hotels and boarding: 71 per cent
- Regularly buying your pet gourmet food: 48 per cent
- Medicating your pet for any psychological needs (e.g. anxiety medicine, depression medicine, etc): 44 per cent
- Paying for expensive experimental health treatments (e.g. new cancer treatments to save pet's life): 40 per cent
- Buying your pet too many toys: 33 per cent

I Am a Great Pet Lover,Good Informative article,Thanks for Sharing us..