30 September 2013

The 2013 Wellness Summit features Nominations from Coast to Coast

Five finalists vie for the Urban Animal Industry's highest award in the Wellness category:
  1. Associated Vet Clinics - AVC (David Farran) for aggregating veterinary services to support urban animals with local clinicians, national resources, local relationships and best of breed services. 
  2. Atlantic Veterinary College - AVC/UPEI (Dr. Peter Foley) for demonstrating that clinicians and volunteer organizations can collaborate to increase the overall wellness of urban and rural feline populations.
  3. British Columbia SPCA - BC SPCA (Geoff Urton) for creating a community based program to re-imagine opportunities for feral and stray felines. 
  4. Calgary Pet Wellness Clinic for creating wellness programs that can be delivered populations in social assistance or low income environments.
  5. Copperfield Veterinary Hospital (Dr Sandou) for creating wellness programs that can be delivered to rescued urban and rural animals.
The 2013 Summit Award for Wellness recognizes the efforts of an organization to improve the overall levels of wellness for urban animals in a particular client base, a specific community or industry sector.

The 2013 Summit for Wellness will be presented during the Awards Gala on Friday, 18 October 2013. This event is open to the public.

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