25 March 2014

Cost of medical care identified as biggest obstacle to a positive pet experience: YourSAY 2014.1

The YourSAY 2014.1 polls overall indicates that the cost of medical care is the biggest obstacle and has the greatest impact on a ‘Positive Pet Experience’.

This YourSAY 2014.1 poll was conducted by means of social media (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter) email marketing (Urban Animal Subscribers), and websites (InfoStream, petlynx.net, urbananimal.com) The questionnaire consisted of 5 answers of which respondents could choose one answer and see immediate results of the poll. The polls were open on all above media channels from 11 March 2014 to 25 March 2014.

The data collected from 145 respondents shows that people overall felt that the cost of medical care was the biggest obstacle, having the greatest impact on a ‘Positive Pet Experience’ (33%), along with behavioural problems with pet (27%). The majority of respondents came from our Facebook channel (45%) and they agreed that the cost of medical care had the greatest impact on a ‘Positive Pet Experience’ (35%). Approximately one-third of respondents that answered the poll were from email marketing sent to Urban Animal Subscribers (32%), who also agreed that cost was a factor in the ‘Positive Pet Experience’ (37%). Respondents who answered the poll by way of the InfoStream Blog and LinkedIn however felt that Behavioural problems with pet had the greatest impact on a ‘Positive Pet Experience’ with 41% and 33% respectively.

Urban Animal Polls & Surveys develops separate polls for individual media components. The purpose of this is to demonstrate the differing opinions across PetLynx's broad audience, from pet owners and consumers to industry thought leaders. 

YourSAY poll 2014.2 is NOW OPEN. Participation in this poll will help the urban animal industry understand the gaps in a positive pet experience and work towards recasting the dilemmas as opportunities to create healthy communities for pets and people.

Share this poll with your consumers, members and friends and family by using this link: http://survey.constantcontact.com/poll/a07e93oeq0zht78czow/start.html

by Constant Contact.

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