22 April 2014

Central Conference Highlights

The 2014 Urban Animal Regional Conference tour kicked off today in Toronto, Ontario. More than 40 thought leaders and urban animal service providers gathered to network, discover local and national innovation and participate in relevant and crucial industry conversations. 

Following the Innovation Showcases, Conference delegates nominated Ontario SPCA's iAdopt (Stephanie Johns) and the Shelter Medicine program partnership between Ontario SPCA and Boreal College (Tanya Firmage) to present to present at a national level at the 2014 Summit for Urban Animal Strategies in October. 

Dr. Drew Van Niekerk and Kijiji's Shawn McIntyre presented keynotes illuminating pet sourcing and the barrier it can create in a positive pet experience. Conference delegates were then separated into groups to discuss the importance of sourcing, identify the barriers and propose opportunities. The following bullet points were selected from the event's LIVE TWITTER FEED

  • A bad pet experience can happen regardless of the source. When different pet sectors blame another for a pet owner's bad experience, we are missing an opportunity to educate with a consistent message. 
  • Educate the pet owner based on the decisions they've already made rather than judging them and telling them they've made the wrong decision. 
  • Impact of inconsistent industry messaging: confusion, misinformation, relinquishment, potential for adversity within industry
  • Current message is confusing and inconsistent. Based on opinions and protection of our own business. 

Stay tuned to InfoStream for highlights from the Atlantic Conference on Thursday, 24 April. 

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