21 April 2014

Seven Research Projects accepted for 2014 Regional Conferences

The newest element of the Urban Animal(tm) program, Research Posters, has received seven submissions from Canadian sources.

In Toronto, Tuesday, 22 April 2014:

In Calgary, Monday, 28 April 2014:

In Vancouver, Wednesday, 30 April 2014:

The 2014 Research Posters, cover a broad range of Urban Animal subject matter like:
  • 'Adoptions, Adopters and Adoptees - The role each plays in the Dog-Human relationship'; and,
  • 'How Dog Walking is related to a Sense of Community and/or Regular Physical Activity in the over 50 Crowd'. 
All abstracts have been published at urbananimal.com.

The 2014 poster presenters are competing for an opportunity to present their research ideas to the 2014 International Summit for Urban Animal Strategies at Lake Louise in October. Those selected by delegates at each Regional Conference will receive a full scholarship and travel subsidy to attend Summit 2014. In addition, to being able to illuminate their research ideas, presenters have the opportunity to meet and work with invited thought leaders (100) as they discover new strategies and tactics at this annual event.

By adding this research component to the Urban Animal™ program organizers expect to add understanding and uncover ideas that can benefit the experience of all Urban Animals (human and non-human). For more information about the Urban Animal Conference in your area go to urbananimal.com.

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