Tensions run high. Anticipation builds. Excitement prevails. Four simple words establish a new standard of excellence. And the winner is…
September is Summit Awards month. A series of polls will be released for the public to vote on. Urban Animal is looking for your help to determine the top two finalists in each Award category.
In a few short weeks, thought leaders of the companion animal industry will come together to reward the hard work and efforts of their peers at the tenth annual Summit for Urban Animal Strategies (SUAS). It’s an industry endorsement to strive for and a place of honor for those who have set the bar one notch higher. The Summit Awards bring peer recognition to individuals, agencies,
organizations and corporations throughout the companion animal industry.
A significant Urban Animal mission is to recognize those who achieve excellence. Summit Awards deliver recognition each year using an academy style system of nominations followed by an open polling process. The 2014 Summit Awards involved 37 nominees in 12 categories with almost 5,000 ballots cast.
You are invited to nominate those who should be recognized in your community! The award categories may be found here and will be featured on InfoStream during the month of August.
The top two nominees in each category are awarded a Scholarship worth up to $2,700 to attend the Summit for Urban Animal Strategies in Lake Louise, October 14-17. Scholarships include a Full Delegate Package and up to $550 towards travel costs. The 2015 Summit Awards Gala will be held in the Victoria Room of the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise on Friday October 16th, 2015.
Nominate someone today. Get the facts, have your say, move the industry.
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