06 September 2015

What Are Americans Feeding Their Pets and Why?

Pet Food Industry reported that according to GfK, sales of raw freeze-dried pet food increase 64% in the past year. Raw frozen pet food sales increased 32% in the same time period. These numbers clearly show that raw foods are becoming more popular with pet owners.

Allprovide (a pet food manufacturer) surveyed 1,826 pet owners in the United Sates asking about their pet food preferences, knowledge, and interests. Here are the summarized Allprovide study results:
  • Thirty-three percent would be interested in feeding their 
    pets a fresh, raw food diet.
  • Forty-six percent said they hadn’t heard of the raw pet food diet prior to the survey.
  • Thirteen percent of those surveyed already do feed their pets raw food.
  • Pet health is the number one factor (94%) for consumers when choosing their pet’s food.
  • Freshness and quality (89%) are the second motivating factors for purchase.
  • Cost is the third consumer consideration (65%) in purchase.
  • Eighty-nine percent of pet parents currently feed their pets processed foods and fillers.
    • Twenty-three percent of those who feed their pets processed foods report their pets suffer from skin problems, arthritis, kidney problems or food allergies.
    • The same number of respondents (23%) report that their veterinarians have suggested a change in diet to treat those illnesses.
  • Thirty-three percent would prefer to have their pet food delivered on a regular schedule, as opposed to 
    buying it in-store.
  • Fifty-five percent would prefer to give their pets fresh 
    food that can be served naturally or cooked.

While 33% of dog and cat owners are interested in feeding their pets a raw diet, several large organizations including the United States Food and Drug Administration and the American Veterinary Medical Association warn people about the potential dangers of raw food. In the end, only time will tell how the evolution of pet food develops and the long-term risks/benefits associated with different foods.    

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