14 November 2015

2015 Summit Award Winner - Collaborators

The Summit for Collaborators of the Year recognizes the efforts of two or more organizations (service providers) that work collaboratively to create a healthier environment for urban animals. Our winner this year is...

Alberta Alliance for the Safety of Animals and People (AASAP)

With 65.5% of the vote, AASAP is a network of agencies that includes emergency services, the veterinary community, social services, and animal shelters. These different groups work together to create options that allow victims of domestic violence to leave their situation and know their pet is safe and cared for. The need for the Pet Safekeeping Program exists in every community, and AASAP is working diligently to grow the network of partner agencies and expand the program across Alberta.

The Alberta SPCA, with Director of Education Tim Battle, led the formation of AASAP and secured funding for a coordinator to administer the program. They helped develop the process to admit animals to the program, keeping confidentiality and safety in the forefront. WIN House, with Community Liaison Deanna Lewis, is a founding member of AASAP and participated in the development of the referral process. They regularly refer clients to AASAP.

Urban Animal is grateful to Pets Plus Us for sponsoring the Summit Awards.

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