30 July 2014

Bringing identification and recovery services to all of Canada

For the past eight years, thought leaders in the Urban Animal industry have worked through the developing Alliance for Urban Animals Program to identify gaps in the urban pet experience. Together they have developed strategies and tactics to recast these dilemmas into opportunities to deliver a better more supported pet owner experience.

Kijiji Canada has been invested and supportive of the Urban Animal Program from the earliest days. Now as Kijiji introduces a Canada wide strategy for pets and pet owners, they share a mission that involves 1,700 like minded collaborators in more than 340 communities across Canada.

In collaboration with PetLynx and Pets Plus Us, Kijiji Canada is making the HomeSafe™ Automated Recovery Service available to every municipality in Canada on a 24/7 basis. One national service for identification and for bringing lost or found animals home safe.

During the next few months  members of the Alliance for Urban Animals will be encouraged to pin their location to the  map of Authorized Service Centres in Canada. Visitors to the Kijiji portal in every community will know who they should trust for assistance.

Will this be end of lost pets, the elimination of irresponsible breeders or a magic bullet to end animal cruelty? Not immediately. However: This service is the result of mindful, respectful dialogue at the Urban Animal Conferences and Summit; This is the emergence of a community portal allowing the Alliance for Urban Animals to support pet owners everywhere; and, This signals the resurgence of a community approach to animal management called CAMStrat™. Using this portal, members of the Alliance for Urban Animals expect to uncover gaps, imagine new services and develop new strategies to support a positive pet experience in each community.

Members of the Urban Animal industry have choices. Some use their online presence to bully, and harass those holding dissimilar values. The Alliance for Urban Animals is for those who choose to develop conversations, expand relationships and offer support to create positive experiences and healthier communities for pets and people.

You are invited to engage and support Kijiji Canada’s new community pet strategy. You are invited to help shape the future by joining the Alliance for Urban Animals.

Follow the Kijiji links or visit www.urbananimal.com

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