16 December 2015

2015 Research Posters - Winner

Research Posters, introduced in 2014, deliver evidence supporting the improvement of the pet experience in urban communities.  The Poster program provides students with an opportunity to distribute information beyond the research environment and share important evidence with members of the Alliance for Urban Animals. The winner this year is…

Dr. Tyler Flockhart

Dr. Flockhart received a score of 8.54 or 94.8% to win the Research Posters category.

He is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Guelph that is studying feline overpopulation and its management. Flockhart is performing research to answer several critical questions, including how to determine the actual population of feral cats. He is developing a population model for cats and is tracking feral cats in Toronto and Guelph to examine their movements. Flockhart’s research should provide crucial information on feral cat populations and successful management of Canada’s feral felines. Find more information about his work here

The 2015 IRED Scholarship Competition was made possible with grants from:

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