27 March 2017

HEALTH - Spay/Neuter: New Research on Health and Behaviour - Webinar

When the spay/neuter movement began it was fairly simple - sterilize pets to reduce pet overpopulation and euthanasia.

Other health and behaviour benefits are touted for the surgery including a reduction in certain types of cancer and decline in problem behaviours such as aggression and wandering.

Owners were initially encouraged to have the surgery performed between six and nine months of age, until the advent of early age spay/neuter which is done as young as eight weeks old.

Now that spay/neuter surgery has become standard practice for the majority of pet owners for several decades, there’s a new body of information beginning to question the surgery and its benefits.

While the results are not conclusive - there are many other factors that need to be considered - the discussion about the pros and cons of the surgery has begun.

The Pet Professional Guild is offering a webinar - Current Spay and Neuter Research: New Insights Regarding Behavior and Health Presented by Dr. Nancy Kay - on April 6th.

This presentation costs $30 for the public and less for guild members.

It will focus on dogs, the results of some recent research and how some people’s thoughts about neutering dogs are beginning to shift.

Dr. Kay is a board certified specialist in the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Recently retired from clinical practice, she worked as a specialist in private practice for 32 years.

Kay is published in several professional journals and textbooks and lectures professionally to regional and national audiences.  

Visit the Pet Professional Guild website for more information and to register.

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