Before Tom could bring his message of Abundant Living to the squadron he was required to take a 'ride' in Canada's front line tactical fighter, the CF18 Hornet. When asked about the experience, Tom said, "the ride was about power, performance and control. I have never experienced such amazing power, I have never witnessed such inspiring performance in equipment or people, and I've never felt such responsibly for control - making sure I didn't upchuck."

Tom is one of few civilians who can boast of breaking the sound barrier. "Flying faster than the speed of sound was not what I imagined," said Tom. "Everything is happening behind you, so in the cockpit everything is pretty calm. When we slowed down we experienced a bit of chop but the biggest thing I was aware of was my breathing and the pressure changing in my flight suit. When I briefly took over the controls I found it wasn't as easy to maintain controlled flight as it looked when the man up front was in charge"

Tom is one of few civilians who can boast of breaking the sound barrier. "Flying faster than the speed of sound was not what I imagined," said Tom. "Everything is happening behind you, so in the cockpit everything is pretty calm. When we slowed down we experienced a bit of chop but the biggest thing I was aware of was my breathing and the pressure changing in my flight suit. When I briefly took over the controls I found it wasn't as easy to maintain controlled flight as it looked when the man up front was in charge"
Now, in addition to professional athlete, speaker extraordinaire and family man, Tom can add 'fighter pilot' to his resume. Now that is abundant living!
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