The third public opinion poll of 2012 is reported. This report summarizes the YourSAY™ survey Powered by PetLynx™ that fielded March 1-8, 2012. Forty respondents participated in the PetLynx YourSAY™ forum for 2012.3 featuring opinions about the National Companion Animal Coalition (NCAC). Participants included thought leaders representing all sectors of the industry in Canada.
Highlights from YourSAY™ 2012.3:
Highlights from YourSAY™ 2012.3:
- Sixty percent of the participants had heard about the NCAC prior to this survey. Of the remaining participants, 35% had never heard of the NCAC and 5% did not respond.
- About half of all participants felt that the NCAC was essential, about half felt NCAC was non-essential, and the remaining 5% did not respond.
- The vast majority of participants felt that promoting public education should be a top priority for the NCAC. Other top priorities include: lobby government on behalf of the industry (51%), coordinate communications efforts of industry players (41%), act as a spokesperson for the Companions Animal Industry (35%).
- The most common changes participants would make to the NCAC were: expansion of membership (61%), formal governance structure (53%), establishment of administration to carryout NCAC mandate (50%), and establishment of membership (50%).
- About half of participants supported 'majority rules' and 43% support the current NCAC practice of 'consensus.'
- Of the 19 participants who supported 'consensus', 42% preferred to obtain additional facts until consensus was secured, 37% preferred to send the issue to an Urban Animal Summit OpenSpace session and 21% had other suggestions.
- Of the 22 participants who supported 'majority rules', almost three out of every four preferred to send the majority decision to the Urban Animal Summits to gather wider consensus.
- The vast majority of participants do not believe that the NCAC has a broad base of support among their industry peers.
- While almost three out of every four participants have not been assisted by NCAC actions, one in every five participants has had NCAC actions help their industry activities.
- Primary resources NCAC would require include: industry donations (53%) and third-party contributions (39%).
Demographics of YourSAY™ 2012.3:
- Gender: 59% Female, 41% Male
- Age: 15% 21-35 years old, 38% 36-50 years old, 45% 51 and older
- Region: 40% Central, 25% Prairie, 20% Pacific, 10% Atlantic
- Pets: 76% Dog owner, 58% Cat owner
- Industry: 38% Animal Welfare, 28% Animal Services, 18% Animal Control and Enforcement, 13% Animal Health and Wellness
- Executive Level: 20% C-Level Executive, 40% Senior Management, 13% Middle Management, 8% Individual Contributor, 15% Other
YourSAY™ public opinion polls are owned and Powered by PetLynx™. Copies of the complete survey report are available for a nominal cost. Contact if you wish to procure a copy.

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