- Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society - AARCS (Deanna Thompson) for opening the 'Safe Haven' shelter in Calgary and for continued efforts to intervene in cases of homeless animals.
- American SPCA - ASPCA (Sandy Monterose) for envisioning and creating the 'MAP' online system that can move animals from places of high supply to places of high demand or shelter capacity.
- Meow Foundation (Debbie Nelson) for providing leadership and best practices in Calgary and across Alberta for fostering and homing felines.
- Rabbit Rescue INC. (Haviva Porter-Lush) for creating a system of fostering and adoption for rabbits that can be replicated in other communities.
- Toronto Animal Services - TAS (James McLean) for creating relationships and for resourcing multi-species homing activities on behalf of Toronto Animal Services.
- Urban Cat Relief - UCR (Roz Gelade) for activities to foster, home or relocate feral felines especially in development or re-development areas of an urban municipality (Toronto).
- Victoria Adoptables (Carol Broad) for creating an online presence and targeted adoption service that assists rescue groups to home stray animals from rural Island locations to Victoria and other urban areas.

The 2013 Summit for Homing will be presented during the Awards Gala on Friday, 18 October 2013. This event is open to the public.
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